As I'm writing this it is the first week of my studies in Multimedia Journalism Course Code - 103510.
I will aim to update this page at least once a week with information on how I think my current study is going at University.
View my profile on LinkedIn.
What type of Journalism do I hope to get into? I hope to get into Technology Journalism in the future once graduation swings around in 3 years time. Technology has been something that has captured every young person and old person. I would feel privileged to test out wacky technological items and then write about them for the public to decide whether they should like them to.
What have I been doing to show my interest in Journalism? I have been running my own Media Outlet in Townsville as a kind of hobby for the last 12 months. I have covered local sports to music events. Some of which have includes the Townsville McDonald's Crocodiles, V8 Supercars Townsville 400 not to mention the Full Noise Festival and GTM 2011.
Be sure to check out my Media site at and the business I own
View my professional portfolio online at
Week One
All the subjects seem pretty easy in terms of the content and the assignments that will be involved in completing these subjects. Though, even at the dawn of the second week I'm still wondering what the hell is Surrealism?
Week Seven
Congratulations! I've made it to the end of the seventh week of my studies. With a total of 3 test completed this week and 3 assignment submissions so far. Though, I haven't gotten this far without by scarred. Have failed on exam so far, in the subject where it was taught online for the first five weeks.
Week Ten
Well Uni break has just finished and back at Uni doing classes. Isn't it great! :( Only a month or so left now at least. Last week my car broke down on Thursday afternoon. It's been in at the mechanics since then. It's created heaps of inconveniences. But hopefully it is ready by the time Wednesday roles around.. Hmm.
Arts seems to be such an easy subject. Like, having a month to come up with an image in Photoshop?? Seems like far to long if you ask me.
Oh year, did I mention, this week my media pass was approved for the second year running for the Townsville Crocodiles Games in Townsville.
Ever heard of this system? - Get paid for professional answers... Seems like a pretty clever idea.